Thursday, February 18, 2010

CRMPI Full Moon Festival

From an email sent by Jerome Ostenkowski, of the Central Rocky Mountian Permaculture Institute:
Good Morning Friends of the Central Rocky Mountain Permaculture Institute,

In the month of February, new life is beginning as we feel a bit of Spring fever, with seeds and bulbs beginning their journey toward the light.

We would like to invite you all up to our home for a full moon-workshop-feast and festival on Saturday the 27th beginning at 10:10am.

Jerome will be teaching a mini workshop on 'Stream of Consciousness Gardening,' as we continue our seasonal rotations in the greenhouse. It will be time for transplanting all different kinds of brassicas, legumes, herbs, and beneficial flowers. He will also be teaching about building soil, and the ways of the worm farmer.

On Saturday we will come together for a community day in the Phoenix greenhouse and a wonderful CRMPI lunch. This afternoon can include 'fire pole' training, from the top of our new sleeping loft in the greenhouse, and an optional archery and knife throwing demo at the in-house archery range.

As we continue into the evening there will be space for yoga, a community sweat in our sauna, and solar showers in the greenhouse. This will be followed with a potluck dinner, popcorn, and a possible movie showing.

As the night falls, we invite you to stay for a full moon hike and cabin camp-in up in the Juniper House cabin. Beautiful stargazing and a warm wood stove insured.

Please feel welcome to be a part of any or all of this extended celebration. Danita, Jerome and I would love your company. Please RSVP to, or give us a call here at 970-927-4158. Also, feel free to pass on this invitation to anyone who might like to join us.

Our workshop and course schedule for 2010 is now posted at:, we would greatly appreciate you spreading the word about these opportunities.

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