Friday, May 21, 2010

Liberation Economics: Financial Permaculture for Transition

May 25th from 6-8pm at the Boulder Meadows Community Room.

This is the second of a series that will take place on May 25th from 6-8pm at the Boulder Meadows Community Room. You do not need to have attended the first session to gain benefit from this one! Each session will be different but both will share a common introduction to our core concepts. This session focuses on complimentary currencies. A $10 suggested donation.

The following tells about the introduction to the first Liberation Economics event for Transition Colorado:

We share a common purpose in knowing we have the potential to live in a ecologically beneficial society. We feel the possibility and share the inspiration to create deep sustainability in our ecosystems and to live our lives in balance with both our watershed and community.

While we hold the intention for this more harmonious way of living in our communities to emerge, we become aware that there are several crucial misalignments.

What are these? If we really feel into the needs of our community right now, they become quite obvious. While many of us are inspired to share our gifts and passion around living in sustainable community, there is also a large problem around the financial sustainability that is needed to make the changes we know are needed.

Many of us have also awakened to a broader sense of awareness and see a deeper meaning for our lives. From this place, we want the opportunity to create abundance for ourselves from offering our unique gifts to positively impact the world. Yet for most of us this is still an aspect of our lives that we still feel constrained by, and perhaps even an ongoing pain around. This pain comes from the deep longing to express all of who we are in our lives and through our work to benefit others, but not knowing how. That’s because we can’t do it alone.

The good news is that we are not alone. The intention of Liberation Economics is to invite you into an emerging practice community that collaborates, supports, and even relies on each other to co-create opportunities for all members of the community to make a living through living our purpose.
Whether it is the financing of the Transition Movement or the support needed to pursue right livelihood, working together it becomes possible for us to have both the means and the meaning.

In the Permaculture movement, we have this saying, "The Problem is the Solution" The widespread economic challenges we face are an incredible opportunity to actualize our potential in the Transition Movement. The opportunity to use these challenges to create new economic structures and livelihoods around the abundance in our local community.

We invite you to share in a common inquiry that is taking place in our community where we become catalysts for moving us from the potential of a sustainable economy to its manifestation. We are working on updating the financial permaculture curriculum to meet the needs of our particular community in Boulder and we need your help and feedback to help us match our curriculum to your needs.

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